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Character Sheets

You have the option of creating your own character or using one of our pre-generated character sheets.


If you would like to use ours, scroll down past the character creation guidelines to see those characters!


If you are going to bring your own, please follow the guidelines below and show your table's GM your character in case they have any questions about it at the start of the evening. 

Character Creation Guidelines
To create a character that matches the power level of our pre-generated options, please follow these guidelines:

Ability Scores
Use the following array for your ability scores:
8, 20, 12, 19, 12, 13

These should be your final scores after applying racial bonuses, feats, or magic items. Distribute them as you see fit among your six abilities.

Hit Points
Hit points are maximized at each level:

Find your class's hit dice in the Player's Handbook (PHB)

Determine your Constitution (CON) modifier

For 1st level: Use the highest number on the hit dice + CON modifier

For each level after 1st: Add the highest number on the hit dice + CON modifier

Example: A 3rd-level Fighter with 14 CON (+2 modifier) and d10 hit dice would have:

1st level: 10 + 2 = 12 HP
2nd level: 12 + (10 + 2) = 24 HP
3rd level: 24 + (10 + 2) = 36 HP
4th Level: 36 + (10+2) = 48 HP

5th Level:  48 + (10+2) = 60 HP

Feats and Ability Score Improvements
Feats are preferred over Ability Score Improvements (ASI). When you reach a level that grants an ASI, you're encouraged to take a feat instead.

Magic Items
You may choose two magic items for your character. Here are some examples of appropriate items:

Weapons: Rapier of Wounding, Mace of Disruption

Armor/Protection: Cloak of Protection, Mantle of Spell Resistance

Utility: Boots of Elvenkind, Hat of Disguise, Bag of Tricks

Consumables: Potion of Healing (Greater), Potion of Speed, Potion of Heroism

Choose items that complement your character's abilities and backstory.

Character Background
Develop a backstory that explains your character's motivations, skills, and how they acquired their abilities and magic items. Consider including:

Your character's origin and upbringing
Significant events that shaped their path
How they learned their class abilities
The source of their magic items

Remember, your character should be comparable in power and experience to a seasoned adventurer.

Pre-Generated Character Sheets We Offer

We offer a variety of pre-generated characters suitable for players of all skill levels. 

Dragonborn Sorcerer (Character Sheet)

Step into the scales of a Dragonborn Sorcerer, a formidable wanderer deeply rooted in their clan's heritage, wielding the power of icy breath as a formidable weapon.

  • Channel your character's clan values and survival instincts into your decision-making.

  • Master the art of deploying your frosty breath in combat for maximum impact.

  • Navigate social interactions with a focus on your character's independence and resilience.

  • Wand of Magic Missiles

  • Potion of Healing Greater

Drow Rogue (Character Sheet)

Embrace the shadows as a Drow Rogue, a master of stealth and disguise, born from the treacherous depths of drow society, adept in the arts of subterfuge.

  • Utilize your stealth and disguise talents for covert operations and intelligence gathering.

  • Remember your vulnerability to sunlight in your strategic planning.

  • Reflect on personal vendettas and political dynamics in shaping your character's journey.  

  • Cloak of Elvenkind

  • Rapier of Wounding

Dwarf Cleric (Character Sheet)

Assume the role of a Dwarf Cleric, a devout artisan whose faith in dwarven gods is as strong as their craftsmanship, blending piety with practicality.

  • Integrate your artistic skills with your spiritual devotion in both roleplay and problem-solving scenarios.

  • Employ your clerical powers to support and safeguard your allies.

  • Bring your character's dedication to craftsmanship and faith to life in your interactions.

  • Boots of Striding and Springing

  • Mace of Disruption

Half-Elf Bard (Character Sheet)

Step into the shoes of a Half-Elf Bard, a captivating performer blending the magic of music and charm, eager to inspire and enthrall those around them.

  • Harness your musical and magical abilities to sway NPCs and alter outcomes.

  • Take the lead in social encounters, showcasing your character's charm and charisma.

  • Juggle your thirst for the spotlight with the broader needs of your party

  • Boots of Elvenkind

  • Hat of Disguise

Halfling Monk (Character Sheet)

Become a Halfling Monk, a compassionate warrior blending martial prowess with deep spiritual wisdom, committed to protecting the innocent.

  • Prioritize peaceful resolutions, standing ready to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

  • Leverage your agility and martial arts expertise to influence the flow of battle.

  • Portray your character's spiritual journey and dedication to their philosophy.

  • Cloak of Displacement

  • Potion of Climbing

Halfling Rogue (Character Sheet)

Transform into a Halfling Rogue, an agile and resourceful survivor skilled in the arts of stealth and adaptability across diverse environments.

  • Use your agility and stealth to navigate combat and exploration challenges.

  • Be inventive in acquiring useful items and information.

  • Find a balance between your independence and the collective goals of your party.

  • Eversmoking Bottle

  • Potion of Speed

Half-Orc Paladin (Character Sheet)

Take up the mantle of a Half-Orc Paladin, a fierce warrior driven by a quest for vengeance and justice, committed to protecting the innocent.

  • Channel your inner fury into defending the downtrodden and innocent.

  • Use your paladin abilities to lead and inspire your comrades in battle.

  • Harmonize your personal quest for revenge with the noble principles of your oath.

  • Circle of Blasting

  • Eyes of Charming

Elf Fighter (Character Sheet)

Embody an Elf Fighter, a seasoned warrior with years of combat experience, expertly blending martial prowess with tactical acumen.

  • Employ your battle-hardened skills to take charge in combat situations.

  • Combine your martial abilities with strategic thinking for comprehensive battle plans.

  • Use your well-studied nature to gather knowledge that benefits your team.

  • Dust of Sneezing and Choking

  • Potion of Heroism

Elf Wizard (Character Sheet)

Step into the world of an Elf Wizard, a privileged seeker of arcane knowledge and adventure, aiming to harness the universe's mystical forces.

  • Apply your extensive magical knowledge to creatively solve problems.

  • Balance your personal quest for power with the collective needs of your party.

  • Leverage your high-society background in navigating complex social encounters. 

  • Bag of Tricks

  • Helm of Telepathy

Human Barbarian (Character Sheet)

 Unleash your inner Human Barbarian, a wild warrior from the northern wilderness, fiercely dedicated to protecting their natural homeland.

  • Reflect your deep bond with nature in your actions and decisions.

  • Harness your barbaric rage in battles to safeguard the wilderness and your allies.

  • Embrace your character's straightforward and simple approach in social interactions.

  • Stone of Good Luck

  • Bag of Beans

  • Oil of Slipperiness

Human Cleric (Character Sheet)

Channel the power of the storm as a Human Cleric, a former pirate turned divine agent, wielding the forces of thunder and lightning.

  • Utilize your tempestuous powers to awe and intimidate foes.

  • Draw upon your pirate past for creative and unconventional problem-solving.

  • Balance your destructive abilities with the well-being of your group and community.

  • Mace of Disruption

  • Boots of Striding and Springing

Human Druid (Character Sheet)

Embrace the role of a Human Druid, a guardian of the natural order, endowed with supernatural gifts and a profound connection to nature.

  • Use your shapeshifting and nature spells to adapt to diverse scenarios.

  • Emphasize your stewardship of the natural world in your character portrayal.

  • Utilize your rustic charm to forge alliances with common folk.

  • Chime of Opening

  • Boots of Speed

Human Fighter (Character Sheet)

Become a Human Fighter, a veteran soldier turned daring adventurer, thriving on excitement and tactical acumen.

  • Leverage your military experience for strategic planning and leadership in combat.

  • Find a balance between your adventurous spirit and the pragmatic needs of your team.

  • Tap into your network of military connections when they can aid your quests.

  • Cloak of Protection

  • Slippers of Spider Climbing

Human Paladin (Character Sheet)

Rise as a Human Paladin, a noble-born champion of honor, striving to spread virtue while relishing the rewards of valorous deeds.

  • Use your noble charisma and influence to lead and inspire those around you.

  • Balance your pursuit of honor with empathy and understanding.

  • Embody the dual nature of nobility and adventure in your character's actions.

  • Circle of Blasting

  • Eyes of Charming


Tiefling Warlock (Character Sheet)

Step into the shadows as a Tiefling Warlock, a seeker of forbidden lore, bound to a fiendish patron, with a hermit's mysterious past.

  • Wield your dark powers thoughtfully, considering their fiendish origins.

  • Weigh your thirst for knowledge against the ethical ramifications of your pact.

  • Employ your hermetic background to offer unique perspectives or solutions.

  • Bead of Force

  • Mantle of Spell Resistance


Elf Ranger (Character Sheet)

Transform into an Elf Ranger, a solitary guardian of the wilds, adept in tracking, survival, and protecting the natural realm.

Each character offers a distinct blend of abilities, histories, and personal quirks, opening up a myriad of play styles and narrative possibilities. Your choice should mirror the adventures you yearn for and the characteristics that resonate with you the most. Dive into your role-playing experience with gusto!

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