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Here are FAQ about becoming a DD&D GM and what that looks like!

We are so excited to have you join us! Here are some of our most frequently asked questions and our responses. We try to keep the answers as up-to-date as possible but occasionally there may be a delay in updating this page. Also, please be sure to review the New Attendee FAQ! Any questions not addressed here can be directed to Grand Mastress Renee at

How do I become a GM for Dragons, Dungeons and Drinks?


E-mail Grand Mastress Renee at

What if I'm not sure I'm ready to be a GM?

That's okay! GMing is a skill that improves with practice. Consider starting with one-shots or shorter adventures to build your confidence and skills. Consult with Grand Mastress Renee about learning opportunities.

How do I sign up to GM at an adventure?

When the next adventure's registration page goes live, register as "on call" if you're available for upcoming events. If we change your status from "on call" to "activated," plan to GM that night.

Do you supply pre-generated character sheets?

Yes, pre-generated character sheets are available on-site.

You can view them at

What should I do to prepare for an event?

Review the adventure guide provided before the event. It outlines the main plot points while allowing for customization.

Is there a way to familiarize myself with the venue before GMing?

Yes, consider attending a social hour to familiarize yourself with the venue and community (recommended but optional).

Is the space loud? Dark?

Noise Levels

Our story-telling events take place in a large, open brewery with up to 125 participants. This environment can be quite noisy, which may impact your ability to hear other players clearly.

We're constantly working on improving this aspect, but we acknowledge it might pose challenges for some attendees, especially those with hearing difficulties.

Alternative Options

For those who find our events less accessible due to noise levels, we recommend checking out Badwolf Adventure Studios. They offer a more intimate setting in their local D&D coffee shop and gaming studio.


The majority of our participants report that the lighting is adequate for reading our standard character sheets.

Ongoing Improvements

We're committed to enhancing the experience for all our adventurers and are always open to suggestions for creating a more inclusive environment.

What are the typical event hours?


Events typically run from 5 PM to 10 PM. Seating between 5-6 PM and gameplay ending at 9:30 PM

When should I arrive at the event?

Aim to arrive between 5 PM and 5:30 PM for setup and to greet players. If arriving later than 5:15, send your estimated arrival time to the GM Steward (as identified in a pre-event e-mail) or Grand Mastress Renee.

How many players will be at my table?

Tables typically have 4-5 players.

Is there power access at the tables?

Power access is rare and not guaranteed, please plan accordingly.

What materials are provided for GMing?

Battle maps, NPC stones, dry-erase markers, and miniatures are provided. Remind players to return miniatures at the end of the session.

What if there is a player at the table that is negatively impacting people's experiences?

Notify Grand Mastress Renee immediately for support. She will attend to anything you need. 

What level characters should I prepare for?

Players are asked to use pre-generated level 5 characters. Game Masters have the right to request changes of homebrew characters brought by players. 

How do I manage time effectively during the session?

Aim to conclude by 9:30 PM for the organizer's celebration speech. Use GM techniques like "hand of God" or "fast forward" to keep the story moving if needed. Pay attention to the tones played by Grand Mastress Renee to indicate when we are 1/3, 2/3, and nearly done. Be flexible with rules and hit points to maintain a good pace.

What if we finish the adventure early?

Have backup encounters ready (e.g., a tavern scene) if you finish early. We don't want players to leave before the celebration speech.

How should I approach player diversity and experience levels?

Focus on creating a welcoming environment for diverse groups and new players. 

What if there's a conflict between players?

Try to de-escalate conflicts if possible. Involve the organizer if necessary.

Should I allow breaks during the game session?

Yes, allow for short breaks (about 5 minutes) throughout the event. This gives players a chance to refresh, use the restroom, or purchase food and drinks from the venue. Remember to manage these breaks to ensure you still conclude the main adventure by 9:30 PM for the organizer's celebration speech.

How can I encourage players to support the venue?

Offer a +1 bonus to rolls for each drink or food item purchased.

What should I do at the end of the session?

Ask if any of the players have feedback, read end of session announcements, take a group photo, erase all marks on gaming materials and return materials to GM check out. 

How closely should I stick to the provided adventure?

Customize encounters while hitting the main plot points provided in the adventure guide.

How challenging should I make the encounters?

Challenge players with engaging encounters, but avoid making them overly difficult. Aim for moderate damage that challenges the party without overwhelming them.

How flexible should I be with the rules?

Be flexible with rules and prioritize player enjoyment. Don't hesitate to ask the organizer for quick rule decisions if needed.

What's the most important thing to remember as a GM?

Your primary goal is to ensure all players have a great time while contributing to the overall event experience.

Can players switch tables if they want?

If a player wishes to switch tables, they should notify Grand Mastress Renee who will find a way to place them at a new table.

Can I take photos and videos during the event?

We would love that. It is best ettiquette to check in with the table and see if everyone is fine with candid photos and videos. We'd love for you to capture the magic of your adventure!

Any photos or videos can be shared with us at Your contributions help showcase the spirit of our events and inspire future heroes.

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